Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Things are coming along...

This week has been quite the interesting week for us at

First and foremost, we've put our deposit on the new office and are finalizing talks on other projects that will put us further ahead.

Before too long here, my hometown will also be home to a funded and fully operational ".Com". We're very excited to get the community involved with our growth and development and will be doing some pretty cool things to help both the users of and businesses that list with us.

Look for the big announcement to come soon.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Preparing to move into a new office...

Great news, is growing up! We're preparing to hire more developers and move into a new facility! The gang is pretty excited and everything should be finalized in the first week of July.

Our prospective new office will be located in my home town in the historic brownstones, is 1400sq. ft and a great facility for us to move into. Look for pics to come soon. How it all began

How it all began, the story in a nut shell...

I had been playing with the idea of a "Point and Click" style search for quite a while. It seemed like something that would really help people like my Dad that have a fear, or lack of understanding of the internet, or technology for that matter. So I decided on a crazy name, and found that was available, strange, Cool! The name actually comes from a phrase that I recall hearing many times when I was younger... "By joe, I found it". Well, I've always been one for a little controversy, and I love playing on semantics so it was. The name is easy to remember, and I still get asked if I'm for sale :-)

Being a tech geek, I picked up my Motorola Q as a personal Birthday present June of 06' and swear I was hit by lightning in the parking lot leaving the Verizon store. I looked at the phone and the grid based "Point and Click" search went mobile. Having no experience in real web development at that time, I figured out some HTML, played with Frontpage, and was born. Before too long I had a few hundred pages and a few thousand listings that I entered manually- and it worked., "The Mobile Point and Click Directory" was born.