Friday, June 15, 2007 How it all began

How it all began, the story in a nut shell...

I had been playing with the idea of a "Point and Click" style search for quite a while. It seemed like something that would really help people like my Dad that have a fear, or lack of understanding of the internet, or technology for that matter. So I decided on a crazy name, and found that was available, strange, Cool! The name actually comes from a phrase that I recall hearing many times when I was younger... "By joe, I found it". Well, I've always been one for a little controversy, and I love playing on semantics so it was. The name is easy to remember, and I still get asked if I'm for sale :-)

Being a tech geek, I picked up my Motorola Q as a personal Birthday present June of 06' and swear I was hit by lightning in the parking lot leaving the Verizon store. I looked at the phone and the grid based "Point and Click" search went mobile. Having no experience in real web development at that time, I figured out some HTML, played with Frontpage, and was born. Before too long I had a few hundred pages and a few thousand listings that I entered manually- and it worked., "The Mobile Point and Click Directory" was born.

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